Volume 4, Number 2 |
I N T E R N A T I O N A L J O U R N A L O F J A PA N A C A D E M I C S O C I E T Y O F H O S P I T A L I T Y M A N A G E M E N T Vol.4 No.2 March 2018 |
Synergies between Different Areas in Hospitality Research: A Network Analysis of Bibliographic Data | Yuji MIZUKAMI Keisuke HONDA Junji NAKANO |
The effective sense of value creation in evolving the market demand at Hotels & Resorts | Keiko OHNO | |
Active Application of Ethnography in Establishing Innovative Ideas through Behavior Observation for addressing Potential Customer Needs | Sayaka SHIOTANI | |
Experienced Value Management for the Service and Hospitality Industries: Towards the Creation of Added Values for Customers | Sayaka SHIOTANI |